The Asolo company manufactures some of the most popular quality hiking boots known to the outdoor community. All of their boots are manufactured and sourced in Europe. Because of this, you can have that extra peace of mind knowing that the craftsmanship on these boots is top-notch.
Since Asolo offers a wide assortment of boots varying in different configurations, it can be difficult to tell them apart. Some of them look very similar, and one must dig deeper in order to really find the information they are looking for.
In particular, many are wondering what the difference is between the Asolo Flame vs the Fugitive. We have written this comparison of the Flame and the Fugitive in order to give you a bit of peace of mind when trying to decide on one of these to purchase.
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Asolo Flame vs Fugitive

Choosing the Flame or the Fugitive: Which is the Better Bet?
The Flame and the Fugitive have many similarities in their design. For example, they both have a Nubuck suede overlay extending from the toe box to the heel. This is meant to provide extra protection against scrapes when traveling through some rough terrain. Nubuck is a thick leather used in many high-end and durable hiking boots.
They both have a gusseted tongue, providing that extra bit of in impermeability when it comes to flying dust, droplets of rain, and even rivers.
Both of these boots have a Gore-Tex inner lining. This means that they will be completely waterproof while traveling through creeks, even if the water is ankle-deep. In fact, Asolo boots are 100% guaranteed to be completely waterproof!
But what makes these hiking boots different? We are going to explain the most important differences between them in the list below.
Upper materials:
The upper of the boots extend from the heel to the top of the cuff. The materials that make up this area of a hiking boot are important because they help determine the stiffness, as well as the durability. The Asolo Flame has a less durable upper than the Fugitive. The Flame upper is made of a nylon material, while the upper of the Fugitive is made of a thick suede. The thick suade can be oiled and kept waterproof for a long time. The upper of the Fugitive will deteriorate more slowly than the upper of the Flame.
Lug thickness:
The design of the lug configuration at the bottom of the boot decides how well it is going to perform on various types of terrain. Lugs are the pieces of rubber that stick out of the outsole and form the pattern underneath the boot. The lugs of the Fugitive are thicker than the lugs of the flame. This means that they will do especially well while going over muddy terrain.
Lug break:
As parts of their lug systems, both of these boots have a sort of ‘break’ mechanism. This mechanism consists of a special formation section of lugs that serve to allow you to stop easily when going downhills or sliding. But the break mechanisms of these boots are different from each other. The break on the Flame boot is a rather small lug right in the middle of the sole. We do not feel that it works quite as well as the larger lug brakes on the Fugitive. The Fugitive’s brakes consists of two large lugs on both sides of the outsole. This will likely be more effective.
Modern and attractive design:
In our own opinion, the Fugitive hiking boots have a more attractive and modern design then the design of the Flame boots. Several colors to choose from, ranging between earthy tones to brighter colors.
Price Comparison
In order to compare best prices for the Flame and the Fugitive, please see the links below:
Asolo Flame vs Fugitive: The Verdict
As you might have guessed from the list of future differences above, we feel that the Fugitive is simply a better boot than the Flame. The Flame just seems to be an older, outdated model. In fact, the Flame does not tend to be available in many places where the Fugitive usually is.
The Fugitive is made of higher quality materials, has better traction, and a more attractive design. If you would like to see the best prices for The Fugitive, please ***see it here on Amazon .