If you like going out on picnics, you may already be accustomed to the fact that you must carry various types of gear. At the beginning, you may have gone out on your picnic with several different bags. One bag may have been for your food, and another for your cutlery, and another for your wine and other drinks. But all of these bags are not necessary.
Backpack manufacturers have responded to the cry of picnic lovers, and have created the perfect type of bag for picnics. These packs are specially made for picnicking and are designed so that you only have to carry one bag with you.
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Benefits of a Picnic Backpack
There are many benefits of having a picnic backpack for your picnic outings. These backpacks are an all-in-one solution to your picnicking needs.
Put all of your items in only one bag:
Instead of taking several bags with you on a picnic, you can cram it all into one bag. Picnic backpacks have various compartments for different types of gear. It has a main compartment for your food, but it also tends to come with its own plates, cups, and cutlery. The only things that you will need to keep packing are your food and drinks.
A place for your wine and water:
Most picnic backpacks have special holders on the sides of the bag. There is a holder for a bottle of wine and another holder for your cup. These holders are insulated so that your beverages never go warm.
A Towel Compartment:
One of the most important items to take with you on a picnic is a waterproof towel. The best picnic backpacks have towel compartments and come with their own towels. You can keep the same towel tucked away inside of your backpack until every usage.
Insulation for your food and drinks:
Apart from the insulation of the holders for your wine and water, there is also insulation for your food. Some do not realize how important this is, and simply take their food in plastic bags. You will not know the importance of this until you have actually used an insulated bag for your food. Food tastes a lot better this way and will remain fresh.
Best 2 Person Picnic Backpack
The picnic backpacks below are for two people to comfortably go picnicking with enough food and cutlery for both. We have picked the following backpacks based on value, utility, and style. Here they are, in no particular order.
Apollo Picnic Backpack with Cooler Compartment
The Apollo 2 person picnic backpack holds cutlery for two people. It has two sets of wine glasses, forks, knives, spoons, and dinner plates. For the extra style, it also comes with its own cotton napkins for two. These napkins match the design of the backpack. Attached to the side of the backpack is a fleece blanket with a waterproof backing. The main compartment acts as a cooler compartment to keep your food cool and fresh.
It also comes with extras for your dining experience. Extras include a salt and pepper shaker, a cheese knife, and a plastic chopping board. But it would not be complete without a bottle opener with its own compartment.
In order to carry this backpack around, you can use soft padded shoulder straps. Carry this around with you on a romantic picnic trip for two, and you can be sure to get compliments.
Picnic at Ascot 2-Person Picnic Backpack with Cooler Compartment
The Picnic at Ascot picnic backpack is very similar to the VonChef product above. It does come at a more expensive price tag, but it is also made with a rugged 600 denier canvas material. This will surely last you a long time. It also has a lifetime warranty and is assembled in the USA.
This pack also comes with a fleece blanket, salt pepper shakers, a cutting board, a cheese knife, and a fleece blanket. Like the one above, it also comes with its own cutlery such as wine glasses and flatware.
The cooler compartment will keep the food cold. But the cooler compartment also comes with a leak-proof liner in case any leaks happen. On the side of the backpack, is an insulated wine holder.
Perhaps one of the best things about the Picnic at Ascot line is that it comes in various different styles. The outer edge of the plates and napkins have particular design options. There are 9 different designs to choose from, and very stylish and will probably suit any style. With some of these styles, the outer body of the backpack also matches with a complementary color or a matching design.
Best 4-Person Picnic Backpacks
The following 4-person picnic backpacks are made in a very similar way to the 2-person backpacks. They are just larger and include cutlery for 4 people instead of 2. The prices of these backpacks are not that much higher than the 2 person ones. Hence, they provide very good value. Unlike the 2-person varieties, these ones tend to have two compartments for wine instead of just one.
Picnic at Ascot 4-Person Picnic backpack
This Picnic at Ascot backpack is made for 4 people. It comes with all of the items same as the 2-person variety. However, is also twice as large. This one measures 13 inches high and 11 inches wide. It comes with all of the same cutlery as the 2-person one except that it has four sets of each.
Instead of just having one wine compartment on the sides, it actually has two insulated wine compartments. The other difference is the fact that these wine compartments actually exist inside the main compartment instead of on the side.
The main compartment keeps your food cool and is leakproof. What is also cool about the main compartment is the fact that it has an opening at the top just for the tops of the wine bottles. This way, you can pour your wine without opening up the main compartment and letting the cold air out.
It comes with a lifetime warranty in case anything happens to it. However, with its 600 denier polyester canvas material, we are certain that this will last you a long time.
Flexzion 4-Person Tartan Picnic Backpack
The Flexzion 4-person picnic backpack comes with 4 sets of cutlery. It comes with forks, knives, spoons. It also comes with four sets of tartan fabric napkins. These napkins can be stored inside of the 4 wine glasses that are secured inside their elastic straps.
Unlike the picnic at Ascot line, the Flexzion backpacks only have 1 compartment for wine even though it is a 4-person pack. Furthermore, the compartment is placed on the outside of the pack instead of inside the main compartment. The good part about this is that it will save space for your food.
This one comes with a waterproof blanket attached to the side. It has a tartan pattern and is made of fleece with a PEVA backing for waterproofing.
Picnic Plus Tandoor4-Person Picnic Backpack
The Picnic Plus Tandoor backpack comes with 2 insulated wine bottle holders. These bottle holders are placed on the outside of the backpack, giving even more room inside the main compartment. It also has stylish leather straps that you can use to attach a waterproof blanket. The best waterproof blanket is included with the package and matches the style of the backpack.
On the front of the backpack is a large pouch that you can use to store extra items. These items could store extra food or your wallet and your phone.
Instead of a single shoulder strap, this one comes with two shoulder straps. Is much like carrying a regular backpack. This one is definitely the most stylish out of all of the picnic backpacks that we have reviewed on this page.
Apart from being the most stylish, it is also the largest at 17 inches high and 14 inches wide. It comes with all of the cutlery that the others come with.
Other Uses for a Picnic Backpack
Although all of the items above are marketed as picnic backpacks, they also serve a wide variety of uses. Picnicking is generally seen as the act of going to a large stretch of lawn, laying our your blanket, having a quiet lunch. But as you can probably tell, the backpacks above will serve many different purposes.
You can take these backpacks wherever you’re going to be outdoors and will need to be snacking on something. If you’re going to be going somewhere where you have to wait and sit, these will come in handy. For example, if you go to a summer concert, you will be in need of an insulated bag to carry your beverages and your food. Since you will be out for a while, you’ll be wanting to have a meal in the process. You may take these backpacks along on your biking excursions if you’re going to be going deep into a path.
A picnic backpack makes for a wonderful anniversary gift. You can heighten the romance of any relationship by having a stylish backpack with when you can go picnicking.
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