Porlex Tall vs Mini: Fresh Coffee To Start Your Day

Porlex Tall vs Mini? Which one should you buy?

Having a fresh cup of coffee in the morning is a great way to start your day. If you have grown tired of instant coffee and want something that is fresher tasting, grinding whole beans is the way to go. There are many different ways to grind the coffee, but the easiest way is with a manual grinder.

By using a manual grinder, you don’t need to have an electrical outlet at your disposal. You can take it anywhere you go, whether it be camping, school, or work. The Porlex manual grinders are of high quality compared to most of the manual grinders on the market. Porlex has two sizes for their grinders; the Tall and the Mini.

Since customers were wondering what the real differences are between these two grinders, we have created this Porlex Tall vs Mini comparison.

Interested in coffee grinders? You may like to read:

Porlex Tall vs Mini

Porlex Tall
Porlex Jp-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Porlex Mini
Porlex Mini Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Porlex Jp-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Porlex Mini Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Stainless steel
Stainless steel
47mm diameter | 178mm tall
47 mm diameter | 130 mm tall
More Information
Porlex Tall
Porlex Jp-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Porlex Jp-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Stainless steel
47mm diameter | 178mm tall
More Information
Porlex Mini
Porlex Mini Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Porlex Mini Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
Stainless steel
47 mm diameter | 130 mm tall
More Information

Porlex Tall vs Mini: Similarities

The Porlex Tall is also known as the JP-30 stainless steel coffee grinder. The Porlex Mini is the shorter version of this one. But they both function in the same way. Most of their internal components are the same and they produce the same grind quality. Here is an overview of their features:

Ceramic burr:

The burr inside of these grinders are ridged to produce various grades of grind. You can set the dial to anywhere from very fine to coarse. The Porelex burrs are more defined than that of average manual grinders. This accounts for a more even coarseness distribution.

Made of stainless steel:

Some grinders are made of glass or plastic. But the Porlex grinders are made of stainless steel. Not only does this give it a more modern and attractive look, it also makes it more durable. These grinders look awesome in your kitchen. They are heavier than your standard plastic manual grinder.

Porlex 34570006 Coffee Mill Ceramic: Porlex Tall vs Mini

This actually makes it easier to grind your beans. The stainless steel will not accumulate any spots and will not produce any strange tastes within your beans.

Removable handle:

You can save space for these manual grinders by easily removing the handles when they are not in use. Since the handles do not clip in place, you can remove them in the blink of an eye. They will not pop off when you are grinding your beans.

Define setting clicks:

Unlike other manual grinders, the Porlex settings dial clicks audibly to clearly define what level of grind you will be getting.

Porlex Tall vs Mini: Differences

As the name suggests, the Porlex Tall is the largest of the two. It holds more coffee grounds at a time, and stands taller than the Mini.

Here is a quick list of the different features:

Porlex Tall

  • Holds 30 grams of coffee at a time
  • 47mm in diameter and 178mm tall

Porlex Mini

  • Holds 20 grams of coffee at a time
  • 47mm in diameter and 130mm tall

Despite the fact that the Mini is smaller than the Tall, it has a rubber grip in the middle. You can use this to hold the grinder still as you are grinding with it. The prices on these grinders are also comparable. We feel that the biggest difference is in the shape and size. The Porlex Tall does not fit into small spaces as easily as the Mini. This is perhaps the biggest advantage of the Mini over the Tall.

Porlex Tall vs Mini: Price Comparison

Would you like to compare the prices between the Porlex Tall and the Mini? Please see the link below:

Porlex Tall vs Mini: The Verdict

Does the larger volume capacity of the Porlex Tall make it better than the Mini? It does if you are going to be serving more than one person at a time. But it will not fit into small spaces as easily as the Porlex Mini. Also, it does not have the rubber grip that the Mini has.

Both of these manual grinders are so similar of that you may not even notice a difference. They both have the same ceramic burr, which is the most important part of a manual grinder. The burr is high-quality compared to other manual grinders is out there. You cannot go wrong with either of these grinders.

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