The Atmos 50 and the Atmos 65 are made for hiking excursions. Hiking with these backpacks allows you to enjoy your trip without having to worry about how you are going to be carrying all of your gear. They are well suited for every type of hiking trip or travel.
They both have many of Osprey’s trademark features. But many are wondering what the difference really is between these backpacks. This is why we have created our Osprey Atmos 50 vs 65 comparison.
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Osprey Atmos 50 vs 65

Similarities Between the Atmos 50 and the Atmos 65
The Atmos 50 and the Atmos 65 are very similar in the fact that they have most of the same features. Below are just some of the features that they have in common:
Antigravity suspension system:
When wearing these backpacks, you feel like you are wearing the same weight with less impact. The suspension system makes you feel as though you are traveling lighter than usual due to its nifty design.
Floating top lid:
The top lids of these backpacks are actually removable. This means that you can remove some of the weight from the backpack if you don’t need the extra top pocket. After you remove these lids, you can place the flapjacket over the top in order to protect the contents of your backpack. This flapjacket also doubles as a compression strap to keep the top portion of your content nice and tight. The flapjacket comes integrated into the backpack.
Ice pick attachments:
Many people like to go ice climbing in the Winter with these backpacks. That is why Osprey has added ice pack attachments that are essentially bungee cords sewed into the size of the backpack.
Internal compression straps:
In order to provide for extra compression for your gear, Osprey has added internal compression straps inside of these backpacks. Unlike some other backpacks of the same sort, the Atmos 50 and 65 have colored compression straps. They are a bright red hue so that they do not blend in within the rest of your gear.
Trekking pole attachments:
You can attach trekking poles to the shoulder straps and hip belt of these backpacks. Trekking with poles has become a very popular activity, so a backpack would not be complete without this attachment.
Adjustable harness:
The back harness of these backpacks, which is the main frame, is adjustable to your own torso length. This is one of the new features of the new Osprey backpacks, as it actually increases the chances that you will be comfortable with the size of backpack you chose.
Fit-on-the-fly hip belts:
Fit on the fly hip belts allow you to adjust the length of your hip belt to accommodate various waist sizes. The ends of the hip belt have pads that extend 5 inches to accommodate for plenty of difference.
Our Comparison of the Osprey Atmos 50 vs 65
While there are many features that are similar with these backpacks, there are also a couple of key differences. But pay very close attention because these differences are not very numerous.
The major difference between the Atmos 50 and the Atmos 65 is the size.
Atmos 50 Specs
- Small: 47 L; 29 x 14 x 16 inches; 4.12 pounds
- Medium: 50 L; 31 x 14 x 16 inches; 4.31 pounds
- Large: 53 L; 33 x 14 x 16 inches; 4.48 pounds
Atmos 65 Specs
- Small: 62 L; 31 x 15 x 15 inches; 4.39 pounds
- Medium: 65 L; 33 x 15 x 15 inches; 4.58 pounds
- Large: 68 L; 35 x 15 x 15 inches; 4.92 pounds
Overall, the Atmos 50 has greater depth but a smaller weight than the Atmos 65. But as the name suggests, the Atmos 65 has a gear capacity of 65 liters for its medium size, while the the Atmos 50 has a gear capacity of 50 liters.
Apart from the size differences is the fact that the Atmos 65 also has dual zippered compartments on the front panel. The Atmos 65 can accommodate for extra gear because it has a larger gear capacity. The zippered panels in the front are just part of what gives it a larger gear capacity. They are also very useful for storing your frequently accessed items.
The Purpose of these Backpacks
The Atmos 50 is sufficient for weekend or overnight trips. If you are going to be backpacking light, you can take the Atmos 50 along with you for several days without needing to restock.
The Atmos 65, having a large gear capacity, will take you through almost to an entire week of traveling light. But if you are just an overnight camper, the atmos 65 is still great if you love to carry a lot of gear to be very comfortable.
Osprey Atmos 50 vs 65: Price Comparison
It may come as no surprise that the Atmos 65 is going to be a little bit pricier than the Atmos 50 due to its size. If you would like to see a comparison of the prices, please see the links below:
Osprey Atmos 50 vs 65: The Verdict
If you haven’t realized it by now, the Atmos 50 and the Atmos 65 are very similar in features and in design. Choosing between them is a matter of choosing which size backpack you actually need for your travels. If you like backpacking for just one day or night, the Atmos 50 would be sufficient. It is usually best to carry a backpack that is as small as it can be based on the amount of gear that you will need.
The Atmos 65 has two vertical zippered compartment on its front panel. If you would like be able to reach into the front of your backpack for your smaller items, this is a great feature. But the Atmos 65 is mostly meant for people who want to do several days worth of traveling.
The choice is yours, and we cannot make a recommendation either way because both are awesome backpacks. Which of these two backpacks do you feel would be best for you? Please leave your comment below.